Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Dammit....just ....damn...

Sharif urged other parties to join the boycott of the Jan. 8 parliamentary elections. A collective response, including by Bhutto's own party could seriously undermine the legitimacy of the vote as Musharraf attempts to engineer a transition to democracy after eight years of military rule.
"I demand that Musharraf should quit immediately," he said.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
A Message from Russ
Thanks to your ongoing enthusiasm for our work, we just surpassed our year-end goal of raising $30,000, giving us a solid financial foundation to start 2008 off right.

Over the last year, I was honored by your outpouring of support for my work in the Senate. From trying to hold this Administration accountable for their complete disregard for the rule of law, to our fight to end this President's disastrous Iraq-centric foreign policy - you were right there with me, and for that I cannot thank you enough.
I am confident that in 2008, with your continued support, we can build on our past success and not only elect a Democrat to the White House - but also offer even more assistance to great progressive candidates across the country. I look forward to working with you on these challenges as together we continue to advance a progressive reform agenda for the nation.
Thank you again for all that you do.
Have a wonderful holiday and New Year.
Russ Feingold
Monday, December 17, 2007
All time hits...of this one...

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Top 10 Bushisms of 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Hooray for the grumpy old man!!!!

"If anybody thinks we can get out of here this week, they're smoking something illegal," he said.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Oops! My bad!

At any rate...happy holiday season to everyone!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Meeting night on Thursday
I haven't seen the agenda yet but I did confirm with Dave that Thursday night is our normal monthly meeting night and, as usual it's at the Legion Hall in Pittsville at 6:30 P.M...
The biggest national news, and by far, the most disappointing, is that at least two, and possible three members of our national leadership were briefed on Bush Administration
Yes, it's true. Nancy was one of the so-called "gang of eight" who was briefed on teh techniques, along with Jane Harmon. Here's the link to the version of the story on the Washington Post site. Read it ....but keep the vomit bucket handy.
The implications of this news are staggering. As one blogger put it, it's not that our own Democratic leadership was ineffectual in stopping the Bush administration from using torture, they were, in fact, complicit in it. Some bloggers (like Digby) are suggesting that primary opponents for each of the complicit Democrats are in order....specifically against Jane Harmon who barely survived a primary challenge last cycle/and they are also suggesting that Pelosi step down as Speaker.
I'm personally sickened by this 'bout you?
Monday, December 03, 2007
This is getting out of hand....
Yesterday's joke (from Chris Hayes)....
Myself, I'm currently working on two stories, one about a crucial little league team defeat John Edwards suffered in 4th grade that taught him hard lessons about resilience and competition and 5,000-word profile of an advertising exec from Duluth who roomed with Mitt Romney at Harvard for a week while his own dorm was under construction.
and then.......this is real:
In Boston this evening, Senator Obama said: "I'm not running to fulfill some long held plans or because I think it's open to me."....But that's not what Senator Obama's teachers, family, classmates or staff say:
....In third grade, Senator Obama wrote an essay titled 'I Want To Be a President.' His third grade teacher: Fermina Katarina Sinaga "asked her class to write an essay titled 'My dream: What I want to be in the future.' Senator Obama wrote 'I want to be a President,' she said." [The Los Angeles Times, 3/15/07]
In kindergarten, Senator Obama wrote an essay titled 'I Want to Become President.' "Iis Darmawan, 63, Senator Obama's kindergarten teacher, remembers him as an exceptionally tall and curly haired child who quickly picked up the local language and had sharp math skills. He wrote an essay titled, 'I Want To Become President,' the teacher said." [AP, 1/25/07 ]
Apparently least according to Drum....this came from Hillary's press camp.
What does this mean to you?
To looks like Republicans paying homage their corproate Masters.......but then again, what do I know?
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Best Republican video...sort of
If you have trouble viewing it...go here
A few really good yucks here.....
Monday, November 26, 2007
Good Morning!

Monday, November 19, 2007
Obama - Cheney Ticket?

But Mr. Obama's stress on engaging Iran, while a useful antidote to the Bush boycott policy, is not sufficient. Mr. Obama evinces little feel for generating the leverage you'd need to make such diplomacy work. When negotiating with murderous regimes like Iran's or Syria's, you want Tony Soprano by your side, not Big Bird. Mr. Obama's gift for outreach would be so much more effective with a Dick Cheney standing over his right shoulder, quietly pounding a baseball bat into his palm."

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
'cause I said I would.....
I told Sheriff Tom I'd put his picture up here for his approval.....

Also a short reminder that we need to hold our election of officers tomorrow night...please try to make it to the meeting at 6:30 PM at the American Legion Hall in Pittsville, Wisconsin... (well, duhhhh....OF COURSE, it's brain is getting fried...
It's been a very active two weeks and I haven't been keeping up with things except what was immediately "on my plate"... I don't think I'm going to be getting a Christmas card from the Mayor this year......I'll try to keep this blog up to date for my 4 loyal readers.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
About that Mukasey Confirmation...cave-in....

Monday, November 05, 2007
About "Liberal Idiots"
Not only would impeachment require the crossover of Republican legislators, it would also require that all Democrats vote as a that's ever going to happen...
So in the very practical sense, Dave is right.
The only thing that bothers me is that is Bush starts a war with Iran which leads to a larger, regional conflict and perhaps involves Russia....
I'll be sorry the Liberal Idiots didn't prevail.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Way to go Russ!

At this point in our history, however, the country also needs an Attorney General who will tell the President that he cannot ignore the laws passed by Congress. Unfortunately, Judge Mukasey was unwilling to reject the extreme and dangerous theories of executive power that this administration has put forward.
The nation's top law enforcement officer must be able to stand up to a chief executive who thinks he is above the law. The rule of law is too important to our country's history and to its future to compromise on that bedrock principle."
Been really busy, busy, busy!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
A message from Russ

As you may remember, I made a campaign pledge back in 1992 to hold a Listening Session in each of Wisconsin’s 72 counties every year. Over the past 15 years, I’ve held over 1,050 such meetings and traveled the equivalent of almost six times around the world—all within the state of Wisconsin.
A few issues consistently come up at these and other meetings; the unwise war in Iraq, of course, as does our nation’s continuing fight against international terrorism. Earlier this summer, I heard numerous concerns about the USDA’s failure to ensure accurate dairy price reporting, and I am increasingly reminded that our nation must end our dangerous addiction to oil and begin advancing renewable sources of energy to break this addiction.
All of these issues are very important. But the single most common issue that people bring up, the issue that really gets people talking is health care.
Everywhere I go, I hear about the rising cost of health care and the double-digit increases that small business owners must pay every year to continue providing coverage to their employees. I hear about the sacrifices that Wisconsinites are forced to make each year to ensure that they and their family members are covered.
Improving access to health care—and making health care coverage available to all Americans—has been one of my long-time goals. I support an overhaul of our current health care system, and I have recently introduced a new bill with Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) which will move us toward health care for all Americans.
Our bipartisan bill -- the State-Based Reform Health Care Act -- offers an American-style approach to health care reform. Under our plan, the federal government would help states provide health insurance to all their residents, but leave it to those individual states to decide how to go about it.
This legislation starts us down the road of health care coverage for all Americans by giving funding and authority to a select number of pilot states to provide health care coverage for all of their citizens, and encourage a flexible approach that allows each state to come up with innovative ways of achieving universal coverage. Our plan makes fiscal sense—providing $40 billion in funding that would be entirely offset—and would stipulate that all citizens must be covered and that the coverage be at least as good as the health care that members of Congress receive.
It’s time to break the logjam and I’m going to continue my efforts to give everyone affordable, quality health care.
With high hopes,
Russ Feingold
United States Senator
Sunday, October 28, 2007
About the Sunday talk show lineup

Friday, October 26, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Finally, word from Riverbend

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Republican Rhetoric

He took his vorpal sword in hand:
And, as in uffish thought he stood,
One, two! One, two!
"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Monday, October 22, 2007
Interesting Post
Logical Fallacy : "You need Independent/Republican votes to win.
"Status: False.
Most people believe that to win an election, any election, you need votes from Independents and the opposite party. This is, of course, totally false. It has been proven that not everyone votes, and more importantly, not everyone votes in every election. Meticulous statistical data has been gathered, and has proven that some people, who have voted in the past, simply do not vote sometimes. And also, some people who almost never vote, sometimes do. In other words, a person is not simply "a voter" or "a non-voter". The amount of people that vote fluctuates.
Thusly, in order to win an election, one does not need to pander to the middle, be centrist, or get Independent and/or cross-over votes from the other party. All they need to do, is get their OWN BASE off their asses and to the polls to vote, and they will win.
Maybe some of the National Democratic leadership needs to read this....especially since they were "taken to the woodshed" by nonother than the New York Times on yesterday's editorial page..
Sunday, October 21, 2007
News and view...

First, CONGRATULATIONS to the Clark County Democratic Party on their very, very successful 39th Annual Clark County Democrats Dinner. I attended and it was wonderful. Mel and Jordan do an excellent job of organizing the affair and it is becoming an "absolute must" for politicians of State-wide stature. Last night I was entertained by Senator Pat Kreitlow who was one of the three upset victories that helped put the State Senate in Democratic Party control. Pat is a great speaker. Then Dave Obey graced us with stories of the "old days" in the State Legislature. Dave is past the "red-meat politician" stage now and quickly becoming a respected "elder statesman". I'll be sure to be on hand for the 40th dinner.
Hmmmmm....maybe we should throw an "annual dinner"...what do you think?
Next....good news....the Governor stepped in like a stern parent and forced a compromise budget bill on Friday night. I talked to some "insiders" at the dinner on Saturday night and they all seem very pleased with the budget.....I'm not sure I understand the detail, but one of the "biggies" said in a speech that apparently the "Wisconsin Republicans (unlike George W. Bush) believe in global warming, because there's no money for the Department of Transportation in the budget so they must think there won't be any more snow."
The budget which has been agreed upon by Republican leader Huebsch, Democratic leader Judy Robson and the Governor still takes money from the Malpractice Trust Fund and INCREASES the amount taken from $175 Million to $200 Million....
I'm adding a personal note here.At last Thursday night's meeting Dave Wille was nominated for another term as County Chair. He said he doesn't want to be Chair for life and I think he was a bit afraid after he said it that it might have indicated a reluctance on his part to assume the position once again.
Don't worry. We didn't take that the "wrong" way.
Oh yeah........
LoLo should be returning from Africa tomorrow....anxious to hear the stories.
Interesting times we live in huh?
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Don't forget the meeting tonight!

Place: Pittsville American Legion Hall (by the bank....sheeeeez...four years there and I still don't know the name of the street)
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Trust for me again.....
In case you're wondering what I'm talking about, check out this article and the snippet:
They defeated the plan 53-44. Two Democrats - Sheldon Wasserman of Milwaukee and Amy Sue Vruwink of Milladore - sided with the bulk of the Republicans. A third Democrat, Rep. Bob Ziegelbauer of Manitowoc, did not vote but said he opposed Doyle's plan.
Like Jane at firedoglake says: I'm getting tired of trying to kick another football. h/t to Jane for the pic.....
Monday, October 15, 2007
Thanks to Dependable Renegade

Caption: "I'm Sorry in Klingon"
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Quote of the Day?

There's a fine line between Hayekian learning-by-doing, Oakeshottian trial-and-error and simply fucking up.dsquared 10.08.07 - 4:32 am #
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
Read the whole thing here.
Or maybe this is a more understandable description of Bush's war policy...through the words of Kipling, no less:
Kipling had it on not learning by doing:
"As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began:
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire..."
Iran. anybody?James Wimberley 10.08.07 - 7:33 am #
Monday, October 08, 2007
Tragedy in Crandon
In Wisconsin, we're not accustomed to such stories. They're usually reserved for big cities, or, if they're in a rural area, we always think of them as being very distant from us. This tragedy hits home because that's not who we are in Wisconsin. We're not known to be violent, unstable persons who "go off" at the drop of a hat.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Got some "catchin-up" to do....

"Never has it been clearer how detached President Bush is from the priorities of the American people," Reid said in a statement. "By vetoing a bipartisan bill to renew the successful Children's Health Insurance Program, President Bush is denying health care to millions of low-income kids in America."
Democratic congressional leaders said they may put off the override attempt for as long as two weeks to maximize pressure on Republican House members whose votes will be critical.

psssst.....LoLo....don't ask "What's for dinner?"
Monday, October 01, 2007
Just me and the troll....
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Hope from "the Cafe'"

58,000 stories, each one screaming out to be heard: 58,000 potentially bright futures forever lost. Oh, my God. The awful silence: all the books never written, the children’s voices never heard and the joys never expressed. The waste. The lies. The unspeakable betrayal.
The opportunity for fundamental change, not only in ending this miserable war, but in building a more just society is considerable, but far from inevitable. It will take hard work, but also patience. It will take toughness, but the smart sort of tough that doesn’t offend people just for the sheer joy of offending them.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Cuppa Coffee and a few grins...