Wisconsin Rapids and Marshfield owe Julie Lassa a great big THANK YOU for getting us money from the Department of Commerce to offset property tax losses.
Here's a picture of Julie presenting a check to Marshfield Mayor Chris Meyer:
A place where Wood County Democrats can converse about the issues.
As a Progressive heavily involved in your county party, I don’t have to tell you how important this years election is. At the state level, we have a great opportunity to increase our margins in the State Senate and retake the State Assembly so that our Governor has a legislature more willing to move
However, I don’t have to tell you how important of a role
I’ve enjoyed working with Senator Obama and I’m proud to support his campaign. With his strong Midwestern roots and his dedication to public service, Senator Obama understands, like we do, the values of hard work, standing up for what’s right, and making our country a better place for us, our children and our grandchildren.
At both the state and federal level, Senator Obama has been able to reach across party lines and work with members from both parties to help move our country in a better direction. From fighting to create jobs, to making health care available and affordable to all Americans; from fighting for our rights and freedoms, to ending the war in Iraq, Senator Obama has the strength and leadership ability to get our country back on track.
It’s not going to be an easy task and I’m going to continue to do everything I can to help him win
Thanks again for all that you do.
With high hopes,
As you can probably tell, I'm bored out of my mind today because I have a touch of the flu and can't do much but punch (contaminate) my keyboard while in a nice warm rob, wearing slipper socks and sipping a nice, hot (todie) liquid.
Hope everyone is well tonight....
Be careful on the roads, the liquid from the salt is starting to freeze over again.
All in favor of "calling the question" on Winter, raise your hands....
Hey DeDE will you count the votes?
and just for fun.....
Tbogg treats us to some classic rightwingnuttery over the Republican Nomination here's a snippet:
First choice for Mitt! seems to be the reanimated corpse of "Can't Fog A Mirror" Fred Thompson, but others are pulling for Duncan Hunter (I am not fucking kidding), Condoleezza Rice (our first gay Vice President!), and Michael Steele (because... well, you know, the Democrats are doing it), and JC Watts (see Steele, Michael).