A place where Wood County Democrats can converse about the issues.
I mean, seriously, how many can there be?
The whole Senator Larry ("I am NOT gay!) Craig thing is all over the news. See the story here. And then there's this:
I got a real laugh out of Tboggs description of Florida Representative Bill Allen who tried (unsuccessfully) to talk his way out of being caught "out of the closet". Here's the funniest line:
I think the comment about having $800 in the car may be just a tad prejudicial since it seems that Bob Allen was implying that he had enough cash on hand to blow forty cops at twenty bucks a pop, which, and not be judgmental here, seems kind of slutty. (Tbogg's quote, not mine)Allen, R-Merritt Island, is accused of agreeing to
pay $20 to perform oral sex on an undercover police officer July 11 in a public-park restroom.In the taped statement that was tossed out Monday,
Allen said he was just playing along because he was intimidated by the undercover officer, who he described as a "stocky black guy," and that he thought he was going to be robbed.snip
When Allen was being placed in a marked patrol car
after his arrest outside Veteran's Memorial Park, he asked whether it "would help" if he was a state legislator, according to a police report.The officer said he replied, "No."
Police also said Allen indicated he had $800 in his
car.Allen's attorney, Greg Eisenmenger, said both remarks
should be suppressed because Allen had not been read his Miranda rights by the arresting officer.But Whitaker argued they were made voluntarily and should be admissible.
Yes, I know the mention of the $800 was a stealthy attempt to bribe but TBogg's sense of humor is too good to pass up.
There's something amiss here....though....Republicans protesting gays and leading campaigns against homosexual behavior....is it the Shakespearian "methinks (they) doth protest too much..." ? Hmmmmmm...
Canary? What Canary?
What I consider amusing is how many of my fellow liberals/progressives have said to me "You know, I LIKE what Dennis is saying, I just wish he wasn't so Insert your own here: unelectable/short/idealistic/vocal."
There is also a small, inside-the-family joke here....in our household we have admired Dennis' persistence and have occasionally referred to him as a "little ankle-biter who just refuses to go away." He is. And he won't go away.
With a few details we haven't seen before, the Post explained that Rove
established an "asset deployment" team in the White House early in Bush's first
term that was responsible for coordinating official announcements,
high-visibility administration trips, and declarations of federal grants based
on Republican congressional candidates in need of a boost.
For those of you who have not worked in Government before, this kind of
information is breathtaking. Over the years, our governments at all levels have
passed laws and regulations to keep Government resources from being used to
benefit individual political careers, or, the benefit of a single political
party. Those provisions have been, at best, bypassed, and quite possibly openly
ignored by the Bush Machine.
Add comments if you like....I may riff on it over at "the other blog" in a bit...
As has been the case for some many things these
past years the choices were never "nothing" or "Pony plan." The choices were
always "nothing" or "George Bush's plan." The failure to comprehend that simple
fact has prevented members of our very serious crowd of pundits from listening
to or admitting to the validity of criticism of so many things. Years later,
opponents of the Iraq invasion are almost entirely absent from our mainstream
our discourse even though they were the ones who were pointing out what was
going wrong in real time even as the Weekly Standard cheerleaders were simply
telling us that hope was a plan and that clapping louder was the best thing we
could do.
For years it's been a verbal tic of many Iraq
war opponents to assert "I supported the war in Afghanistan..." as a necessary
prophylactic to charges of "unserious peacenik dirty fucking hippie!" The
question is dangling, however... "should you have?" At the very least, shouldn't
you have tried to open the door to critics who were less than supportive, not
because they hate America, but because they were concerned that George Bush
would fuck the whole thing up? Because it was hard to imagine that they'd
actually go in and rebuild the place?
You should probably make the Cowboy's site a regular stop...he's sometimes pretty "deep" but that's the kind of thinking we need these days!