Well, 13 of us made it to the First Annual Wood County Democrats Field Trip to the State Capital! Al was taking pictures like crazy but I haven't seen them yet. We got a tour of the capital...although we were told that the best tour guide in Madison is our own Marlin Schneider...but they didn't tell us that until it was too late. We got to visit with Marlin
Schneider and Amy-Sue Vruwink and, of course Julie Lassa....who may be a 2nd time Mom by the time you read this. In addition, our neighboring Assemblyman Louis Molespki stopped in to say hello.

We got to sit in on some Senate Committee Hearings but the one we thought would be most interesting, Joint Finance, adjourned when our group walked in.
I think we have to give the award for most AUDACIOUS MEMBER of our delegation to our friend Al Labelle, although DeDe gets a close runner-up award. Al essentially walked in and introduced himself to the Lt Governor's office staff and got an "audience" with
the Lt Governor, Barbara Lawton herself. DeDe then distinguished herself by telling the Lt Governor that she was "disappointed" that she didn't get to see the Governor's Office.....the Lt Governor responded by PERSONALLY escorting the small delegation up the stairs to the Governor's office for an abbreviated tour.

We aren't shy in Wood County.
We had a great but very short meal at The Great Dane on Dody Street and then a small delegation went on to a meeting with Joe Wineke.....you may see it in the newspapers....or not....
For those who had to go home before the meeting with Joe ended, here's a brief synopsis:
We could not come to an agreement with Joe concerning his lobbying. He still maintains it is proper and we maintain it is inappropriate. Nothing is resolved on this issue.
We agreed to seek common ground for a floor resolution setting a policy for lobbying in the future....
that's all.
No bells and whistles...no victories as such but certainly there was no surrender....by anybody.
The rest of the day was a lot of fun...I enjoyed spending time with you guys.....