Wednesday, February 28, 2007
A Few Things...

Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Oops....almost forgot
There's a LOT at stake....
If you think it doesn't matter, well, obviously the Conservatives do.....look at what showed up in The Capital Times
An e-mail and a voice message arrived Thursday from a public relations flack named Tim Scheiderer.
It's not strange in my job to get PR pitches, but this one reveals just how far a new right-wing cabal is going to get conservatives like Annette Ziegler elected to states' highest courts.
Scheiderer's voice message, which I assume was sent to most of the media in Wisconsin, explained how important the race between Ziegler and Madison attorney Linda Clifford is to "the future of the court," as if I didn't know.
But, to help me and presumably other newspaper editors understand that importance, Scheiderer said he is willing to set up an off-the-record interview with David W. Simon and Rick Esenberg.
Okay....I'll admit...to this point I had no clue who Scheiderer is...but the reporter is an experienced political reporter and, (dare I say it?) JOURNALIST....so he did some digging.
I'll let him tell it from here..

"Here is where it gets more interesting. The phone number for Scheiderer isn't a Wisconsin one, but belongs to a PR firm called CRC (Creative Response Concepts) Public Relations headquartered in Alexandria, Va.
And who is CRC Public Relations? Hold onto your hat. It's the same public relations outfit that did a lot of the dirty work for the so-called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the sinister organization that sought to destroy John Kerry's military record. Among its other clients are the Republican National Committee, the Christian Coalition, Grover Norquist's National Taxpayers Union, and Regnery Publishing, the right-wing book producer.
It also promotes right-wing blogs, including the one that attacked Dan Rather's report on George W. Bush's sorry National Guard record during the last presidential campaign.
Scheiderer acted surprised when I asked him who was paying his firm. He ducked the question, claiming instead that CRC works closely with the "Federalist Society," a group comprised mainly of conservative lawyers, but not known for shelling out money on election campaigns.
Dave Zwiefel goes on to say that he expects this to be the dirtiest Supreme Court race in Wisconsin history....WMC (Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce) is already sinking tons of cash into Linda Clifford's opponent's race (I won't print the opponents name because of trolls.....) It could get ugly/
If the Republicans and their conservative surrogate organizations think this "little, bittty, eency-weency, Wisconsin Supreme Court race is this important, then mayby, just maybe. IT IS!!!
Thankfully the Capital Times reporter, Dave Zweifel, (pictured above courtesy of the Capital Times)is an experienced journalist with great Wisconsin connections (and apparently a good memory). He exposed this in the Capital Times today but this information needs to get out far and wide....link to this post in emails to your friends.
Better yet.....
Volunteer for the Campaign
Write a Check
Rude but true...

Monday, February 26, 2007
The source of EXECUTIVE POWER?
King Arthur: I am your king. Woman: Well I didn't vote for you. King Arthur: You don't vote for kings. Woman: Well how'd you become king then? [Angelic music plays... ] King Arthur: The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur. THAT is why I am your king. Dennis: [interrupting] Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
Dennis: Oh, but you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you.
Dennis: Oh but if I went 'round sayin' I was Emperor, just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away.
Somebody should tell Bush......rofl
Sy Hersch scares me...

Sunday, February 25, 2007
Yep...it snowed...
And after a "wee bit" of shoveling.......
How much snow did you get? Got pictures? email them to nwoodcodems@gmail.com
Friday, February 23, 2007
Open thread....
Cultural Fair tomorrow but I think it may get snowed out.....
That Stevens Point Mayoral Race is getting interesting....there's a recount under way because of "a mechanical error" that the Stevens Point Journal didn't go into ...
I'm interested because our "statcounter" showed a bunch of hits on this site from Stevens Point in the last week or so...the "referring link" was always a google search for "Joe Roppe".
Remember Joe?
He spoke at one of our meetings representing a group that wants to bring AIR AMERICA to Central Wisconsin and I put a post up here for people to go to his site for Stevens Point Air America...hence...a google search turned up our blog....but why were people looking for Joe Roppe?
Because Joe got involved in the Stevens Point Mayor's race by publishing a web site criticising one of the candidates.....and that candidate's supporters "googled" Joe and found our site.....
Interesting huh?
Here's the link to what apparentl y triggered the activity
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Hanging out at the Cafe...

Progressive blogs -- including two new ones, Ellen Tauscher Weekly and Dump Ellen Tauscher -- were bashing her as a traitor to her party. A new liberal political action committee had just named her its "Worst Offender." And in Tauscher's East Bay district office that day in January, eight MoveOn.org activists were accusing her of helping President Bush send more troops to Iraq.
But Kos points to Harman as a perfect example of how the Net roots can keep Democrats in line. He said Harman used to be a constant irritant, a go-to quote for reporters looking for a Democrat to tweak liberals -- until she had to fight off a primary challenge from the left in 2006. "She's been great ever since," he said. Now Harman even writes on the liberal Huffington Post blog.
And finally: While you infants are getting all self-righteous about the sins of moderates and littering the space with pornographic comments, the Republicans have spent the day sending bombs like this to people like me. They've done one for each Democratic candidate for President. Some perspective, please, from the commentariat.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Catching up..catching my breath....

Annette K. Ziegler - 1618
Linda M. Clifford - 653
Joseph Sommers - 567

Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007
Wouldn't you know it!!!!`

I'm due for my 6 month checkup at the clinic tomorrow...........all...freaking....day...!
test after test after test....
Sunday open thread....
Concerning the David Brooks (aka Bobo by some other bloggers) wrote a column for the New York Times today that doesn't stand up to academic scrutiny ...here's an incredible review here.
There's a link to the article in the link....I think the commentary on it is some of the best I've seen...I tell why here
But the NYT wasn't the only place carrying Republican "water" today...from Firedoglake, we learn:
How else are we to explain the editorial decisions to propel Byron York's inept and hapless crayon scribblings yesterday, followed by the propagandistic, defamatory rantings of longtime Barbara Comstock sister in crime Victoria Toensing today? Barbara Comstock currently serves as the PR flack for the Libby defense team, and has been a key fundraiser for his defense.
We'll be getting into more substantive dissections of the lies and diversions propelled by these political campaigning players, but for the moment, I'd like to call everyone's attention to the fact that the Washington Post has made the decision to be the outlet for the Libby PR machine led by Barbara Comstock.
It's late...more tomorrow
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Don't delete that....

Friday, February 16, 2007
Sorry I missed the meeting...
One of the items that came out of the meeting I attended last night was a reminder that we have a PRIMARY ELECTION on February 20th that a lot of people have forgotten....It's a primary for State Supreme Court and if you think it doesn't matter, you're very, very mistaken. If you listened to the candidates on the radio (Joy Cardin's show on Wisconsin Public Radio) you know that one of the candidates is the favorite of the conservative party and another is favored by our side of the ledger. In fact, Senator Russ Feingold has endorsed Linda Clifford so that should give you an idea.I liked what Linda had to say on the radio and felt comfortable that she would apply the law fairly and equitably if elected. Here's her campaign site in case you want to know more about her. I know that these elections are supposed to be "nonpartisan" but I'm hearing the sound of the partisan "dog whistles" (activist judges, greedy trial lawyers, etc ) coming from one of the campaigns and it isn't pretty...to see what I'm talking about take a look at some of the letters supporting her opponent...here. Her opponent is starting radio and TV ads this week so you'll see some action but off-year primaries are notorious for LOW VOTER TURNOUT and this election doesn't look much different. There is a lot at
stake so be sure to get out and vote and get all your friends out there too.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Don't forget the Meeting tonight!

Coming up:
-March meeting-Resolutions
-Possible Madison field trip, dinner meeting later this spring
Blog roundup

No matter how many times his plans have failed, you have to give his latest Iraq plan a chance to work. It's sort of like having your mom insist that you hire your just-released-from-prison pyromaniac brother to work in your fireworks factory. See, just because he burned down three houses and two giant warehouses doesn't mean he'll do it again. Give him a chance.
The Rude Pundit
So now because there is more danger in Afghanistan, somehow it’s NATO’S responsibility..as Kos writes:
Bush screws up Afghanistan by turning his attention to Iraq when we had the Taliban, Osama Bin Laden, and Al Qaida on the run. Now, five years later, having screwed up not just Iraq, but also a war we should've won relatively easily years ago, Bush is demanding that other NATO countries bail him out.
For Liberal Bloggers, Libby Trial Is Fun and Fodder
Tristero on Digby’s
Tbogg had a link to a story that involved both Bill O'Reilly and Dennis Miller, but the link to the Miller part of the article didn't work so I won' inflict it here......
Am I wrong to be terrified about what Bush may do in Iran? I just can’t get over the thought that if he decides he wants to bomb there, no power on earth will be able to stop him. And everyone with any expertise at all on the subject seems to agree that attacking Iran would prove to be a disaster for our country.
to which Winston answers (in part):
Without a doubt, the next two years are going to be among the most dangerous in the history of the republic. We have a president who worships the aggressive use of military force as devoutly as Bill O’Reilly worships the sound of his own voice. War has become both a sacrament to him and the ultimate proof of his manhood. And as with many true believers, he seems incapable of hearing any music except that coming from his own choir.
Letters to Winston at
and who is Winston?
and scroll down….
Enjoy....there's a lot to read there.....
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
I'm screaming at the top of my lungs....

Gaffney begins his column by purporting to quote Abraham Lincoln. Gaffney claims that Lincoln said:
Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled, or hanged.
The supposed quote in question is not a quote at all, and I never intended it to be construed as one. It was my lead sentence in the article that a copy editor mistakenly turned into a quote by incorrectly inserting quotation marks.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Back to the "grown-up" stuff.
Most recently, Mr Klein has taken on the folk of Left Blogsylvania as his cause celeb...he has been extremely critical of us for our "anger" and our "incivility". (Hmmmm "anger and incivility"? Weren't those two key elements of the Republican campaigns in 04?)
But Joe Klein has seen the light....
As TRex over at firedoglake writes so beautifully:
Klein:As a newcomer to this blogging business, I've been interested in the Edwards dust-up. As readers know, I've been critical of the tone of the left-wing blogosphere in the past.
TRex: We understand that, Joe. It's because we hate America and all. But we're willing to look past that long enough for you to impart this critical knowledge that you have recently obtained, oh bold and intrepid purveyor of truthiness:
Klein: But I think that Yglesias raises an important point here and anyone reading the comments section of any Swampland post knows that troglyditic right-wing cavedwellers fester there, in a vomitously vile manner, too.
TRex: What? There are brainless attack-morons on the Right? You don't say!
And then, Klein discovers Marconi's fabulous invention: RADIO!
Klein: And I'd add this: Radio. I was driving into Springfield, Ill last night for the Obama festivities and caught the ever-vile Sean Hannity "interviewing" the even-more-vile Dick Morris about Hillary. Just disgraceful…and they were mild compared to the crap I've heard from Rush and others over the years.
No Kidding, Joe!
I'll let you read the whole article for yourself but there is an important point to be made here. Later in the article Klein points out several reasons why Democrats are angry....not just angry, FURIOUS! JUSTIFIABLY FURIOUS...here are his three reasons:
Klein:It's also a product of the times: There's a whole generation of people who believe that serious political discourse consists of Pat Buchanan and Eleanor Clift screaming at each other. The intemperance on the left has three other sources
(1) justifiable fury over the Bush administration
TRex: Yes!
Klein: (2) justifiable fury over the way the media treated Clinton and, to a certain extent, Bush
TRex: Yes, yes!
Klein: and (3) ideologues of any sort tend to be obnoxious.
Finally Klein "gets it"....Democrats are outraged over the obnoxious, heavy-handed and downright mean treatment they have received from the right wing for the past twenty years.
WE ARE JUSTIFIABLY PISSED....because we've been lied into an unnecessary war, had habeus corpus taken away, been spied on, let torture take place and had our patriotism questioned.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Honestly...I'm working on it...
Fool Me Once.....

I can't believe the New York Times reprinted without critical assessment the newest hype for war with Iran...
The link that American intelligence has drawn to Iran is based on a number of factors, including an analysis of captured devices, examination of debris after attacks, and intelligence on training of Shiite militants in Iran and in Iraq by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and by Hezbollah militants believed to be working at the behest of Tehran.
' In the last three months of 2006, attacks using the weapons accounted for a significant portion of Americans killed and wounded in Iraq, though less than a quarter of the total, military officials say.'
It's Judith Miller all over again.....and it's just as inaccurate (or unlikely) this time as it was in 2002...Juan Cole over at Informed Comment summarizes it for us...
This claim is one hundred percent wrong. Because 25 percent of US troops were not killed fighting Shiites in those three months. Day after day, the casualty reports specify al-Anbar Province or Diyala or Salahuddin or Babil, or Baghdad districts such as al-Dura, Ghaziliyah, Amiriyah, etc.--and the enemy fighting is clearly Sunni Arab guerrillas. And, Iran is not giving high tech weapons to Baathists and Salafi Shiite-killers. It is true that some casualties were in "East Baghdad" and that Baghdad is beginning to rival al-Anbar as a cemetery for US troops
Robert Burns of AP observes,
"The increasingly urban nature of the war is reflected in the fact that a
higher percentage of U.S. deaths have been in Baghdad lately. Over the course of
the war through Feb. 6, at least 1,142 U.S. troops have died in Anbar province,
the heart of the Sunni Arab insurgency, according to an AP count. That compares
with 713 in Baghdad. But since Dec. 28, 2006, there were more in Baghdad than in
Anbar - 33 to 31."
In addition to this, there was a briefing on the same subject in Baghdad this morning making basically the same claims Here's the Reuters link. Later reports tell us that the "briefing" was "off camera" and made by officials who remained anonymous. Hmmmmmmm......
Just for the record, the saying is:
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on ME!
Howie Kurtz rant
You can read what it's all about at THIS SPACE RESERVED
There is also some thought being given to the recent works of Francis Fukuyama (a "reformed neocon"?) about the what the neocons have learned over the past five years. An exerpt from his most recent work is printed in The Guardian here but it has raised some serious points which I think must be discussed in detail so I'll probably "riff" on it at This Space Reserved.
Hint: What they've learned rhymes with "Nero"
Saturday, February 10, 2007
For your Saturday amusement...

Friday, February 09, 2007
I just stopped in for my friday dose of "Izzard Blogging" on TBogg's blog...and the picture that was staring at me, the caption and the story...well...see for yourself
We interrupt this interruption....

In fact, thanks to CNN, I know that being shocked and dismayed is akin to deep feelings of annoyance. Because during the non-stop coverage of the event I was pretty sure that I was incredibly annoyed throughout. But no, Wolf told me that I was shocked and dismayed. I await Chris Matthews breathless malaprops during the "modest" State Funeral.
But, being the contrarian that I am, I think THESE are important issues today:
Over at TPM, they find an Inspector General's report that shows the OSP (Office of Special Projects) which "stovepiped" raw (pronounced BOGUS) intelligence straight to Cheney and the White House in order to build a case for the war was "INAPPROPRIATE". Ya Think? duhhhhh.
Word from the Senate, where Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) has been presiding over a Armed Services Committee hearing on the Inspector General's report.Levin says that, dividing the work with the Senate intelligence committee, they will seriously pursue the issue and plan to interview members of the administration who received briefings from Doug Feith, including National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley and former chief of staff to VP Cheney (and current criminal defendant) Scooter Libby.
One of the more interesting assertions in both Douglas Feith's and Eric Edelman's reactions to the IG report on the Office of Special Plans is that the office's activity can't be inappropriate because it was authorized by Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz, then the secretary and deputy secretary of defense. As Feith puts it:
It is bizarre for the Inspector General to disapprove of policy officials' doing work that they were directed to do by the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Defense, given that those tasks were lawful and authorized and the Inspector General found nothing at all wrong with the Secretary and Deputy Secretary directing that the work be done.
So it was "inappropriate but not illegal". There are several interesting battles going on here. First, Feith and Edelman are saying that Wolfowitz and Rummy told them to do it so it can't be illegal, and it really wasn't intelligence gathering (which would have been illegal) it was actually "something else".
So that's brewing ...
And while that's going on, Secretary of Defense Gates releases his intel report on IRAN. This report was held up several times and was hyped as the "smoking gun" about Iran's involvement in Iraq. The Administration has backed off that claim and reaction to the report has been an overwhelming "yawn".

SEVILLE, Spain - Serial numbers and markings on explosives used in Iraq provide "pretty good" evidence that Iran is providing either weapons or technology for militants there, Defense Secretary Robert Gates asserted Friday.Offering some of the first public details of evidence the military has collected, Gates said, "I think there's some serial numbers, there may be some markings on some of the projectile fragments that we found," that point to Iran.
At the same time, however, he said he was somewhat surprised that recent raids by coalition and Iraqi forces in Iraq swept up some Iranians
Let's see here: The Shiia Militia are allies of Iran. We've effectively made Iraq a client-state of Iran. We support the Shiia-lead Government and we're "surprised" to find Iranians in Iraq?
Has the whole world gone mad?
Over at The Washington Post, a former "contract interrogator" by the name of Eric Fair gets a load off his chest. And I DO MEAN LOAD! Wow.
The lead interrogator at the DIF had given me specific instructions: I was to deprive the detainee of sleep during my 12-hour shift by opening his cell every hour, forcing him to stand in a corner and stripping him of his clothes. Three years later the tables have turned. It is rare that I sleep through the night without a visit from this man. His memory harasses me as I once harassed him.
Despite my best efforts, I cannot ignore the mistakes I made at the interrogation facility in Fallujah. I failed to disobey a meritless order, I failed to protect a prisoner in my custody, and I failed to uphold the standards of human decency. Instead, I intimidated, degraded and humiliated a man who could not defend himself. I compromised my values. I will never forgive myself.
And now,
We return you to coverage of the life, death and wake of Anna Nicole Smith.....
I don't know why

Thursday, February 08, 2007
What a PROUD Heritage we have!
A lot of speeches made the cut as well, Martin Luther King, Jr., “
Since the declaration of war, the triumphant war press has pursued those Senators and Representative who voted against war with malicious falsehood and recklessly libelous attacks, going to the extreme limit of charging them with treason against their country.