Thursday, February 01, 2007

So THAT'S what that was all about...

In case you missed it, there was a panic about a bunch of unidentified, unattended boxes left all around Boston yesterday and it ended up with a minor terror alert....

but what it really turned out to be was a Marketing Campaign for the new Aqua Teen Hunger Force Movie.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force is a bizarre (but occassionally very funny) cartoon show on the Comedy Network's "Adult Swim" segment on late at night. Cartoons are childish but the humor is VERY adult. (Hence the name "Adult Swim") The publicity stunt outraged the Mayor who has threatened to have the creators arrested or at least charged. Here's a good recap of his "outrage"

Here's a including the offending characters..(scroll down to The Foreigner Belt was blinking red )

I have to confess that I was "hooked" on two of the Series shown on Adult Swim. The first was a fascinating animae called Cowboy Bebop and the second (actually by the same producers/writers) was Sumari Shamploo. That's a depiction of the three main characters from "Shamploo" at the left. Although a lot of Japanese Animae writing seems to center on mythological figures and wildly bizarre post-apoloclyptic scenarios, these two shows were remarkably well written and had complex characters and interesting plots. Of them all, I think I enjoyed Shamploo the best but it was only 23 episodes and then ended with no hint that there could, or would, be any kind of sequel.

That anybody would cause a terror alert because of some half-assed cartoon marketing campaign says something about the world we live in....and I'm not sure I like what is says....

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