Sunday, October 08, 2006

It's hard to believe

but take a good look at how the national media are beginning to treat the Republican Party.

Just a hint: they're starting to speak of the Republicans in the past tense. Christy Hardin Smith at firedoglake has a great commentary on it, sparked, of course, by the cover of Time Magazine this week. You can read the commentary here.

I hope all this means the end of the 12 years of Republican rule but we can't let up. We can't assume that the Repubs will roll over and "play-dead" for us.

We need a better effort to get out on the literature drops for our candidates and we need support from the campaign organizations of individual candidates, the State Party Organizations and the DNC.

I caught just a few minutes of This Week on ABC this morning; just enough to see Rahm Emmanuel evisecerate some red-headed Republican Congressman that the RNC decided to feed to the wolves on the Foley scandal. Even better, Emmanuel was fighting back for the first time I can remeber.....unlike previous DLC tactics of "playing nice" with Republicans....I wonder if Clinton standing up to Chris Wallace was a wake-up call to the DLC? Did they learn the lesson (which...ahem...I've pounded on for the last year or so....) that no matter how you kowtow to Republicans; no matter how you try to portray yourself as "pro-gun/life/tort reform/whatever, as long as you have a "D" next to your name, they will brand you as a "gun-stealing, baby-killing, tax-and-spender".

It is, in my humble opinion, better to stand up for principle than to weasel and dissemble.

Gotta run....

jump in with your opinions.

1 comment:

Ed said...

Sorry Reddhedd....we're in the Badger State!