Among my favorite bloggers (and blog sites) are The Last Chance Democracy Cafe, written beautifully by Stephen C. Day, and Mark Morford who also writes beautifully at the San Francisco Chronicle (Online version). The "blogosphere" being what it is (sort of a wild and wooley, last stand of the individual kind of atmosphere) it's unusual for one blogger to be openly complimentary of another but that's exactly what has happened in Last Chance Democracy Cafe this morning. I suppose it's perfectly natural, however, for like minds as well as minds of equal brilliance like Morford and Day to gravitate to each other. It's an excellent post and I encourage you to take a few minutes to read it but first, here are some "snippets" of Morford's most recent post to give you some idea of what we're talking about.
What we don't have is, well, any idea what the hell we're doing, not anymore, not on the global stage. We lost this "war" and we lost it before we even began because we went in for all the wrong reasons and with all the wrong planning and with all the wrong leadership who had all the wrong motives based on all the wrong greedy self-serving insular faux-cowboy BS that your kids and your grandkids will be paying for until about the year 2056.

It's still our most favorite idea, the thing our own childlike president loves to talk most about, burned into our national consciousness like a bad tattoo: We always win. We're the good guys. We're the chosen ones. We're the goddamn cavalry, flying the flag of truth, wrapped in strip malls and Ford pickups and McDonald's franchises. Right?
And Steve's take on it? Equally lyric and cogent.
When I read his work, I’m often reminded of Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road,” the stream-of-conscious beat novel that made me want to hitchhike the country. Perhaps it’s been too long since I’ve read Kerouac’s wonderful work, but Morford’s wordsmithing fills that space in my mind for a style of writing found in few places these days.
Each column is a poetry slam for the mind (but, I imagine, would read aloud better than even The Rude Pundit — although I’m partial to his work, too). It’s always progressive and liberal, if not always political. He has no love for Bush, but his issues aren’t with the man, so much as what he stands for and supports.
(note: Is it surprising that Steve reads The Rude Pundit too? )
I wish all punditry (blogospheric, television and radio) were all as eloquent as these two (or three if you count "the rude one") and capable of thinking out of the box also. Good Thursday morning read....
and comment please.....
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