First, a disclaimer is in order.This is my opinion and not necessarily that of any other member of our local party. I am posting here for the purpose of generating discussion.Last night we heard two presentations and, to my amazement, there was much more comfort with the discussion of the issue of the "Protection of Marriage Amendment" (the latest Republican Scam to drive the faithful to the polls in droves in November) than there was

with the subject of "Impeachment".
One of our members stood at the end of the presentation (and virtually the end of the meeting) and asked,
"Aren't we going to do something? Are we going to stand on principles or....what?"
He seemed genuinely bewildered that we, as a party organization, were going to simply let the meeting end without taking any kind of formal action. This party member's outrage at the Bush Administration was very heart-felt; very passionate and I felt his dismay when we left the meeting without taking a stand on the issue.
The Impeachment Trial of Andrew JohnsonThe questions he raised, knawed at me all the way home. It's not just the Democratic Party leadership at the National and State levels who are afraid to take a public stand on the subject of impeachment, it's's almost all of us. Among ourselves we talk about impeaching Bush and Cheney and Gonzales and Rumsfeld but when it comes down to taking it "to the streets" as an official party platform, we can't quite bring ourselves to do it.
I have carefully examined my own beliefs and there is truly nothing I would enjoy more than seeing George W. Bush standing trial before the Senate on Articles of Impeachment drawn up by the House of Representatives. I also would like to see Cheney and Rumsfeld standing trial for war crimes and atrocities which I believe they have authored. But I still can't bring myself to "take it to the streets" and I don't know why.
I have tried out and dismissed a dozen or so rationales for why I can't but I understand that they are bogus. All I know at the moment is that if I were to start marching up and down the streets with impeachment petitions, I would be pretty much alone at the moment and, I would not be taken seriously by the people I wanted to influence. I would be branded "lunatic fringe" not just by Republicans but also by common, everyday people. In other words: it would do no good.
It occurs to me that the real problem is that the subject is not yet
RIPE.Here's what I mean by
RIPE. The public is not yet angry enough. Impeachment is a DRASTIC, DRASTIC measure and the public has to be sufficiently angry....outraged order to demand that we as a country travel that path. The Republicans know this and they knew how to manufacture a facade of public outrage in order to push forward with the Clinton Impeachment farce.

Our nature as Democrats is to let the truth be our shield, that is, let the crimes of George W. Bush be made known to the public and the public will then be as outraged as we are. That public outrage will naturally and rightly lead to impeachment proceedings.
I think we need to manufacture our own public consent. We need to build the movement from the ground up and
THEN AND ONLY THEN can we expect the Impeachment ball to start rolling.
What do you think?
Can you bring yourself to say the "I-word"?